Venture Road
We are pleased to announce that all lots have now sold. We thank you for your interest in our project.
Klass Enterprises is pleased to announce that we have just received Preliminary Layout Approval from the Provincial Government for our proposed subdivision. We are presently working through the remainder of the design segment of the project, and expect to begin major construction of the roads and services later this September.
The subdivision of approximately 25 acres between Barbara Road and Elmo Road is intended to expand the neighborhood in a manner that is consistent and compatible with the local area by providing 9 large rural 2+ acre lots.
Venture Road will be extended through the forest to Elmo Road. 2 Lots will be accessed from Barbara Road, and 7 from either side of the extended Venture Road.
The first aspect of construction will be to build a new trail which will run through the forest near the field, connecting the Barbara Rd boardwalk with the trail system in Seal Bay Park and Elmo Rd. Our intention is to have this completed prior to closing the rest of the area for construction so that area residents may continue to enjoy walks in the forest.
We ask that once construction begins, trail users use this new trail and refrain from entering the construction area.
We will update our website with more information as the project progresses, please check back often.
Klass Enterprises has made application to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for the Subdivision of approximately 25 acres between Barbara Road and Elmo Road. The intention of this subdivision is to expand the neighborhood in a manner that is consistent and compatible with the local area providing 9 large rural 2+ acre lots.
Our plan proposes that Venture Road would be extended through the forest to Elmo Road. 2 Lots would be accessed from Barbara Road, and 7 from either side of the extended Venture Road. The lots will be left treed to preserve the park-like setting, creating private, natural home sites. The lots would be serviced with water from the Sandwick Water System, and modern septic systems will be included with each lot; certain restrictions apply. A nature corridor would be preserved and protected, which would include a walking trail connecting Barbara Road and the existing neighborhood with the Seal Bay Nature Park.
The subdivision we have applied for fits fully within all zoning, bylaw, and Municipal Act requirements. We are making no application for any changes to the zoning nor OCP, nor are we requesting any variances of any sort with this subdivision. Our proposed lot sizes are substantially larger than most of the lots in the Venture/Mitchell/Barbara area and will add value to the established neighborhood.
We will update our website with more information as the project progresses, please check back often.